Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Thanks to salon owner, Norrie, I was given access to the legendary Blue Glove. Symbolising the work of the Dundee Dyers, part of the Nine Trades Association, the Glove is worn by attendees of the annual Dyer's Christmas Dinner. A convivial affair, acknowledging the traditions of the association, the yearly event is an opportunity for members to convene and non-members to be inducted. All present take time to sign the ancient 'Lockit Book', thus recording their involvement with the famous association. Winston Churchill has even signed this legendary tome!

'The Glove', although not a blue one, appears in the above drawing, located in the bowels of Dundee City Archive. This glove probably pertains to the Glover rather than Dyer Trade, but is still a lovely single glove, a-la Micheal Jackson, so it still counts. This sketch, on tracing paper, was a preparatory drawing for a banner to be hung in St. Andrew's Church in the City. The Church has a fine selection of stained glass windows, many inspired by The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee.  If you're into stained glass, having a pint and the Nine Trades, check out the Trades Bar on the corner of Union Street or check my 'Happy New Year' post. Ch'amone! Motherfucker!

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